Society for Applied Spectroscopy, Inc.



Revised 2016



The name of this organization shall be Society for Applied Spectroscopy, Inc.           





The objective of this organization shall be to advance and disseminate knowledge and information concerning the art and science of spectroscopy and other allied sciences conforming to the provision of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and the Articles of Incorporation listed with the State of Maryland.





The scope of this Society shall be to undertake and promote activities which shall accomplish the objective.  The term spectroscopy as used in the title and body of this Constitution is understood to mean the science and art of absorption, emission, Raman, mass, and related forms of spectral study for determining the composition and structure of matter.  To accomplish the objective stated in Article II, the Society shall publish a journal known as Applied Spectroscopy.  The Society and/or Regional and Technical Sections may conduct conferences or symposia on scientific subjects and may publish or give financial support to the publication of other scientifically useful information pertaining to spectroscopy.





SECTION 1.  MEMBERSHIP in the Society shall consist of:


a.            Honorary Members

b.            Regular Members

c.             Sponsoring Members

d.            Student Members

e.            Emeritus Members

f.              Retired Members

g.            Distinguished Service Awardee Members

h.            Fellows


SECTION 2.  HONORARY MEMBERS shall be persons who have made exceptional contributions to spectroscopy and have been voted into their membership by the Governing Board.  No more than two (2) Honorary Members can be named in any fiscal year.


SECTION 3.  REGULAR MEMBERS shall be persons engaged in the study or use of spectroscopy and/or interested in the objective and scope of the Society.


SECTION 4.  SPONSORING MEMBERS of the Society shall be corporate bodies or private companies actively interested in promoting the objectives of the Society on an international scale.


SECTION 5.  STUDENT MEMBERS shall be full-time undergraduate or graduate students engaged in the study or use of spectroscopy and/or interested in the objective and scope of the Society.


SECTION 6.  INTERIM MEMBERS shall be a transitional membership category for former student members who have moved on to post-graduate studies and/or employment.  This membership status is only valid for one year and only for the year after graduation.


SECTION 7.  EMERITUS MEMBERS shall be persons who have contributed to spectroscopy, have been members of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy for 15 years, and have retired from active scientific endeavor.  Emeritus Members may be proposed by any member of the Society.  Upon receiving a simple majority vote at a Governing Board Meeting, the member shall become an Emeritus Member.


SECTION 8.  RETIRED MEMBERS shall be persons who have contributed to spectroscopy and who have retired from active scientific endeavor.


SECTION 9.  DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDEE MEMBERS shall be persons who have made exceptional contributions to the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and have been voted into their membership by the Governing Board.


SECTION 10. FELLOWS are individual members recognized for their outstanding achievements in and contributions to the science, the profession and the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. Fellows must continue to be members in good standing of the Society in order to maintain Fellow status.


SECTION 11.  MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES AND OBLIGATIONS shall be established in accordance with the Society's Bylaws.




SECTION 1.  Members living or working in a regional or local geographical area shall have the privilege of constituting themselves as a REGIONAL SECTION of the Society.  The establishment of a new Regional Section must be approved by the Governing Board of the Society and, if this new Regional Section is a local geographical area within a country, by the adjacent Regional Sections within that country.


SECTION 2.  The established local organizations or bona fide sections thereof, which shall have ratified this Constitution within one year of the establishment of the Society, shall be known as Founding Sections.  A Founding Section is also a Regional Section.


SECTION 3.  The Constitution and Bylaws of such Regional Sections shall be consistent and in harmony with the Objective and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.  By its meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications, Regional Sections should promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and information concerning the art and science of spectroscopy and other allied sciences, providing the greatest benefits for local members and industry.  The Constitution and Bylaws of such Regional Sections shall be submitted to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for approval prior to approval by the Governing Board of the Society; any subsequent changes must also be submitted to this committee for approval prior to approval by the Governing Board.





SECTION 1.  Members working or having an interest in a particular technical area shall have the privilege of constituting themselves as a Technical Section of the Society.  The establishment of a new Technical Section must be approved by the Governing Board of the Society in accordance with the terms set forth in the Bylaws of the Society.


SECTION 2.  The Constitution and Bylaws of such Technical Sections shall be consistent and in harmony with the Objective and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society. By its meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications, Technical Sections should promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and information concerning specific aspects of the art and science of spectroscopy and other allied sciences, providing the greatest benefits to members and industry with related technical interests.  The Constitution and Bylaws of such Technical Sections shall be submitted to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for approval prior to approval by the Governing Board of the Society; any subsequent changes must also be submitted to this committee for approval prior to approval by the Governing Board.


SECTION 3.  Financing of Technical Section operations shall be in such manner and in such amount as may be approved by the Governing Board and outlined in the Bylaws of the Society.





SECTION 1.  Student Members studying at an undergraduate or graduate school who have an interest in spectroscopy shall have the privilege of constituting themselves as a Student Section of the Society.  The establishment of a new Student Section must be approved by the Governing Board of the Society in accordance with the terms set forth in the Bylaws of the Society.


SECTION 2.  The Constitution and Bylaws of such Student Sections shall be consistent and in harmony with the Objective and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society By its meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications, Student Sections should promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and information concerning the art and science of spectroscopy and other allied sciences, providing educational and professional development opportunities for Student members.  The Constitution and Bylaws of such Student Sections shall be submitted to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for approval prior to approval by the Governing Board of the Society; any subsequent changes must also be submitted to this committee for approval prior to approval by the Governing Board.


SECTION 3.  Financing of Student Section operations shall be in such manner and in such amount as may be approved by the Governing Board and outlined in the Bylaws of the Society.





SECTION 1.  The DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION are the elected officers of the Society.


SECTION 2.  The ELECTED OFFICERS of the Society shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer.   Candidates for these offices shall meet the qualifications as set forth in the Bylaws of the Society.  These officers shall be elected by the members eligible to vote, as stated in the Bylaws, by means of either a physical or electronic ballot according to the procedure listed in the Bylaws of the Society. These officers shall perform the duties listed in the Bylaws of the Society and the parliamentary authority adopted by the Society.


SECTION 3.  The person elected to be President shall first serve one (1) year as President-Elect, followed by one (1) year as President, followed by one (1) year as Past President or until his/her successor is elected.  The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve a term of three (3) years or until their successors are elected.  The terms of the Secretary and Treasurer shall whenever possible commence on different years.  The elected officers shall begin their respective terms at the beginning of the calendar year.


SECTION 4.  VACANCIES in the elective offices, except that of President, shall be filled by temporary appointment of an interim officer by the President with approval of a majority of the Executive Committee.  The Nominating Committee shall, at the next regularly held election, present candidates to complete this term of office.


SECTION 5.  The President-Elect shall assume the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence or incapacity.  The President-Elect shall automatically succeed the retiring President provided the President-Elect was regularly elected to that office by the membership.


SECTION 6.  The APPOINTED OFFICERS of the Society shall be the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, the Newsletter  Editor,  the  Web  Editor,  the  Membership  Committee Chairperson, and the  Regional  and Technical Section Affairs Coordinator.  These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the Bylaws of the Society.   These officers shall be appointed by the Governing Board upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and shall serve for a three (3) year renewable term or until their successors are appointed.   The appointed officers shall begin their respective terms at the beginning of the calendar year.  Along with the appointments listed above, a Student Representative will be elected by the Student Members of the Society, and this Student Representative will be put forward for acceptance and appointment by the Governing Board to serve a two-year term as a non-voting Officer of the Society, until their successor is appointed.


SECTION 7.  VACANCIES in the appointed offices shall be filled by temporary appointment of an interim officer by the President with approval of a majority of the Executive Committee.  The Governing Board shall, at the next regular meeting, appoint an officer to complete this term of office.




SECTION 1.  The SOCIETY shall be composed of members who in turn may be members of its Regional, Technical or Student Sections.  It shall be governed by its elected officials and a Governing Board which, in addition to such duties as may be prescribed in this Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY, shall:

1)      Act as an advisory body; a Board of Directors, which shall be the legal representative

of the SOCIETY and establish its administrative policies; committees of both the Executive Committee and of the Board; and such officers and employees as are necessary to effectuate its purposes.

2)     Have responsibility for consistent Society-wide promotion of member interests, via various communications, awards, branding, marketing and development or maintenance of Regional, Technical and Student Sections.

SECTION 2.  The GOVERNING BOARD shall consist of the elected officers, the second-Past President, and 10 elected members.  Those elected shall consist of 10 at-large members elected by the Society membership.     In addition, each Technical, Student, or Regional Section may send one voting delegate to represent that Section.


SECTION 3.  Each elected Governing Board Member and each Regional, Student, or Technical Section delegate will have one vote.  Elected member terms shall be two (2) years, and members can be re-elected for future terms.


SECTION 4.  A QUORUM of the Governing Board shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the elected members.  The appointed officers and the Second-Past President may serve as voting alternates for the elected members.


SECTION 5.  The elected officers, as voting members, and the appointed officers as non-voting members, shall constitute an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE which shall assume responsibility for the government and welfare of the Society in the interim between Governing Board meetings.





SECTION 1.  The Society shall be financed by dues collected from the membership as set forth in the Bylaws.


SECTION 2.  Provisions for the suspension of members for nonpayment of dues shall be set forth in the Bylaws.





All funds of the Society shall be disbursed in accordance with the Bylaws.




SECTION 1.  In general, all meetings of the Society and its Committees can occur in-person or virtually (e.g. by electronic means, such as telephone or computer), unless otherwise specified in the Society’s Constitution or Bylaws.  For a meeting to be an official meeting of the Society, details of the meeting must be recorded and reported in the official records kept in the Society’s Office.


SECTION 2. There shall be one (1) REGULAR MEETING of the Society per year at which the Governing Board shall convene in-person.     This meeting shall be at a time and place recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Governing Board.


SECTION 3.   The regular meeting shall be known as the ANNUAL MEETING, and shall be for the purpose of announcing officers for the coming year, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise.


SECTION 4.  SPECIAL MEETINGS may be called by the Executive Committee or the Governing Board, as stated in the Bylaws. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call.


SECTION 5.    A QUORUM of the Governing Board shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the elected members. The appointed officers and the Second-Past President may serve as voting alternates for the elected members.




The Society shall have standing committees as specified in the Bylaws.  All appointments are for the term specified in the Bylaws.





SECTION 1.  The journal Applied Spectroscopy shall be an official publication of the Society and shall be distributed to the membership in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws.  The Society may also publish a membership newsletter, as well as additional Journals or Newsletters, in accordance with the Bylaws.


SECTION 2. Journals and Newsletters shall operate on a budget approved by the Governing Board.


SECTION 3.  The Editor-in-Chief of the Applied Spectroscopy Journal shall appoint his/her own staff and is responsible for the policy of the Journal.  Additional Journals will also have Editor-in-Chiefs, with similar responsibilities.






SECTION 1.  The EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR is an employee of the Society who is responsible for maintaining the National Office of the Society.


SECTION 2.  With the approval of the Executive Committee, the Society may employ one or more full or part-time employees to assist the officers and the Executive Director.


SECTION 3.  The Society shall not place its name or approval on any commercial product, enterprise, or work.


SECTION 4.  The Society shall not be responsible for any views, theories, or statements advanced in papers or discussions at its meetings or set forth in its publications.





The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws, any special rules of order that the Society adopts, and any statutes applicable to this organization.  The parliamentarian shall be present at meetings to ensure that procedure is followed.





The procedure for removal of an elected or appointed officer of the Society for reason of inability to perform the duties of the office or because of activities grossly inimical to the Society is as defined in the Bylaws of the Society.  To that end, any four (4) voting members of the Executive Committee can jointly make a written request for the resignation of any other member.





Any proposed amendment to this Constitution shall be studied by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, and then presented to the Governing Board for initial approval.  The proposed amendment shall then be published in the Journal or Newsletter and referred to the Regional Sections and Technical Sections for a minimum of ninety (90) days of consideration.  The members eligible to vote, as stated in the Bylaws, shall then vote by ballot on the proposed amendment.  A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast shall be required for adoption of the proposed amendment.  The results of the balloting and the amendments shall be published in the Journal or Newsletter.





To the extent permitted by law, the Society shall indemnify and hold harmless the officers of the Society.  Any person made a party to any action, suit, or proceeding by reason of the fact that such person, their testator, or intestate is or was an officer or employee of the Society or any organization in which the person served as such at the request of the Society shall be indemnified by the Society to the full extent permitted by law.  Such right of indemnification shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which such officer or employee may be entitled.  Any amount payable by way of indemnity shall be determined and paid in accordance with SECTION 2-418 of the Corporations and Associations Volume of the Annotated Code of the State of Maryland unless otherwise directed by the Governing Board by resolution.





No person in whatever relationship with the Society shall be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic background, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or condition of handicap.



Printable version of SAS Constitution 2016