Clemson Student Chapter of SAS


Chair: Htoo Paing

Chair Elect: Gretchen Schober

Treasurer: Paige Reed

Secretary:  Katja Hall

Click here to contact our section


SAS members with Dr. Zackary Schultz who came to present a seminar at Clemson via the SAS Tour Speaker Program in 2016.

From left to right: Htoo Paing, Gretchen Schober, Zachary Schultz, Paige Reed, Tyler Willams and Katja Hall. 


About our section:


This is a student chapter in Clemson University (Clemson, SC). We are a group of young spectroscopist that have a passion for exchanging ideas and collaboration.




April 17th, 2015: Poster Contest!



If you are interested in the spectroscopic research at Clemson, Here are the abstracts for this poster contest.



Presenting our prize winners here, left to right: Melissa Rogalski (second prize), David Sampaio (first prize), and Zhe Jia (third prize).


It has been a great opportunity for graduate/undergraduate students to be exposed to each others research and recieve feedback from faculty.



Attendees are waiting for the judges to announce results!



Attendees are chatting with each and exchanging ideas!



A great SAS student event from Clemson!


Again, if you are interested in the spectroscopic research in Clemson, Here are the abstracts for this poster contest.