Fellows Award
Fellows Award: This award is established to recognize individual members for their outstanding achievements in and contributions to the science, the profession, and the Society. Up to 12 Fellows per year may be selected. Nomination for the award of Fellow must be made by current Society Fellows, the Executive Committee, the Governing Board, or the Fellows Committee. The Fellows Committee shall review all nominations and shall forward the award slate to the Society's Executive Committee for final approval. Fellows must continue to be members in good standing of the Society in order to maintain Fellow status. Nomination material should include a letter of recommendation with supporting documentation regarding the nominee's contributions to the Society and spectroscopy, a current CV, and a short bio.
To nominate an SAS member to become a Fellow, please consider the following information and use the link below for the nomination form. In order to be considered for the 2025 award, the nomination must be received by December 1, 2024.
2025 Nomination Form
The 2024 Fellow is Steven Ray.

Fran Adar Michael Angel Mark A. Arnold Ricardo Aroca Sanford A. Asher Colin Bain Katherine Bakeev Matthew Baker Ramon M. Barnes Franklin E. (Woody) Barton John E. Bertie Rohit Bhargava Michael W. Blades Paul Bohn Karl Booksh Paul N. Bourassa* Deborah K. Bradshaw Frank V. Bright Jose A. Broekaert David J. Butcher Mike Carrabba J. Chance Carter Joe Caruso* John M. Chalmers D. Bruce Chase Bryce L. Crawford, Jr.* David Cremers Richard Crocombe Stanley R. Crouch* James A. de Haseth Volker Deckert M. Bonner Denton Max Diem Richard Dluhy Mary Kate Donais Rina Dukor Cecil R. Dybowski Neil J. Everall Paul Farnsworth Karen Faulds John R. Ferraro* Joseph Gardella Robin L. Garrell Michael W. George Roy Goodacre
Kathleen M. Gough Duncan Graham Jeanette G. Grasselli-Brown Peter R. Griffiths Detlef Günther David Haaland David Hahn Peter Harrington Joel M. Harris Takeshi Hasegawa D. Christian Hassell David M. Hercules Gary M. Hieftje James A. Holcombe Robert S. Houk Christian Huck John Jackovitz* Young Mee Jung Kathy Kalasinsky John Kalivas Sergei Kazarian Tim Keiderling Linda KidderYarlott Wolfgang Kiefer Jack L. Koenig S. Roy Koirtyohann J. Laane Barry Lavine Igor Lednev Bernhard Lendl Ira W. Levin E. Neil Lewis Ian R. Lewis Fred E. Lytle Curtis Marcott R. Kenneth Marcus Marvin Margoshes* Alan G. Marshall Pavel Matousek Linda McGown David McCurdy Foil Miller* Terry Miller
Nancy J. Miller-Ihli Ellen Miseo Boris Mizaikoff Michael D. Morris Oliver Mullins Michael (Micky) Myrick Laurence A. Nafie Kay Niemax Isao Noda Karl Norris John W. Olesik Nicolo Omenetto Yukihiro Ozaki Richard Palmer Diane Parry Michael J. Pelletier Don Pivonka Jürgen Popp Paul Pudney John Rabolt Theodore C. Rains* John Reffner Geraldine Richmond Richard E. Russo Jim Rydzak Alexander Scheeline David Schiering Sebastian Schlücker Shiv Sharma Heinz Siesler Walter Slavin Steven Soper Nick Stone Gloria M. Story Mitsuo Tasumi Patrick Treado Richard Van Duyne* Frank Vanhaecke Isiah Warner Charles L. Wilkins James D. Winefordner Bayden R. Wood Lawrence Ziegler *deceased