Interested in SAS Governance? Here is some info to get you started.


The SAS Governing Board is the Society body that has full power and authority over the affairs of the Society (with the exception of a few areas as outlined in Society documents). The Board meets several times a year electronically and once a year in-person at SAS' National Meeting during SciX.

The Governing Board is comprised of the Elected and Unelected Officers of the Society, the At-Large Elected Governing Board Members, the Society's Student Representative, the Chair of the Early Career Committee and the representative(s) from each Technical, Regional, Affiliate, Student, Early Career, and Special Interest Section.

At-Large Delegates are elected by the SAS membership during its annual election of Officers and Governing Board Delegates. Nomination to be on the slate for an Elected Governing Board position may be self made and/or made by the SAS Nominations Committee. Only regular members (no students) in good standing are eligible to run for At-Large positions.

Interested in running? Send your name, phone, and email to for consideration.

Click HERE for a list or to contact a current At-Large Delegate.

Click HERE for a list of or to contact an Executive Committee Member.