SAS Provides Opportunities to Learn


As part of the SAS continuing efforts to expand our spectroscopy certification and training program we are now providing a series of training seminars, courses and webinars. This training series is intended to provide a simple introduction and grounding in different types of spectroscopy for people that use or are thinking to use spectroscopy in their work or studies. The training series can also serve as a refresher for those people that need reminding of important concepts or tricks and tips in various types of spectroscopy. We will also be covering important subjects like common mistakes and how to avoid them and how to get the most out of spectroscopy in your work. Finally if you or your colleagues want to discuss spectroscopy training in more detail with any of our spectroscopy training mentors please contact the SAS office directly. Below are some of our training courses and webinars already available. Our training offer will be expanded continually over the coming months.

Come back to this page often to see our latest updates:

1. SAS and our spectroscopy training mentors have partnered with Spectroscopy Magazine, to provide introductory webinars to our training capabilities. The first of these webinars was provided by SAS training mentor David Tuschel on August 27. This webinar, “Basic Principles of Raman Spectroscopy with Imaging Applications”, is now available as a free recording video. 

2. The second in this series of webinars, “Solving Problems When Using FT-IR”, by SAS training mentor, and former SAS President, Ellen Miseo is is now available as a free recording video. 

3. 5 short courses for training opportunities completed at SciX 2019:

3. 5 short courses for training opportunities completed at Pittcon 2020, learn more and register HERE :